General tips for the use of Betty’s.
Through out this web page guide we will assume you are playing search and destroy game mode in COD WAW. But a lot of the tips can be used in other game modes.
First off the obvious one, but I am still shocked at the number of players who make this mistake.
Do not plant you Betty then sit by it, it will kill you, Betty is your friend, but get to close and she will bite. Place your Betty and then get well back. The Betty has a 360 ark of fire. You can not site behind it like claymores on COD4. This can also lead to a certain amount of embarrassment and a screen full of LOL.
Don’t place your Betty too close to a wall.
It’s a fault in the game, but one that will cost you. If your Betty is right next to a wall and an enemy walls along the other side of the wall, they will set the Betty off, but (and this is the bummer) the wall will shield them from the blast. At best you have wasted one of your Betty’s, even worse if you have not read the above tip. As you are now dead and annoyed at the game.
Don’t place you Betty where a team mate is, or where they are likely to be.
If the server you are playing on has friendly fire on. (It should be compulsory) they will be killed and worse still you will lose points. If you are playing on a server that has the friendly fire set to reflect (this is what the good servers have it set on) you are going to find your self blowing up because a team mate was to close when she went off.
You only have two Betty’s.
What ever your style of play you need to think of where you are going to place your Betty’s for the best use. Have a look at the maps guide (link). And don’t place one Betty next to another as that is just a waste
Camouflage your Betty?s.
Betty?s are much harder to spot that the claymores in COD4, but you still need to think where you are going to place them.
Long grass is all ways a good place to pop a Betty, it helps break up the out line and take the shine off.
In water by grass is a supper place to hide a Betty. This spot gets a kill almost every round
On most maps there will be some “fire”, this fire will not burn you but makes a great place to hide your Betty. The glow of the fire will take the glow of top of the Betty
In a corner where the enemy would not normal look.
And this is one of my favourites and will often get an OMG typed out on screen. Place a betty in a fallen solder, due to a fault in the game the betty will be 100% hidden from view, and as they are running up to the dead solder your betty will come flying up from it chest. The best part is that the dead solder my well be in the open so they wont even be on the look out for Bettys
This one has the added bonus that the player killed was caring the bomb, all I have to do now is go and hide, the enemy has to pick the bomb up, when he does Yahtzee
Don’t run with a betty.
Once you have planted a betty, swap back to your gun before moving. If an enemy jumps you and you have a betty in your hand there is not a lot you can do other than kiss your ass good bye.
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1. Call of duty, call of duty 5, call of duty waw, call of duty tips, call of duty hacks, call of duty cheats, call of duty advice, bouncing betty, bouncing betty tips, bouncing betty cheats, bouncing betty mine, bouncing betty land mine, bouncing betty call of duty.