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Airfield is a strange map, and it has to be said its not one of my favourites. But it’s a map we all have to play so let’s have a look at the best places to place our Bettys


You tend to find that there are two types of players on this map. The campers and flankers. You have to plant your Betts accordingly.  



There is a tunnel on this map that does not do a fat lot, but you often find players running through it, essentially in the later stages of a round. If you find that this is the case on you server, leave them a nice little present. Best to place it in an out of the way corner.


If you are looking after bomb site B, you need to protect yourself  from flankers (what does that rime with?). a good place is the building / bunker to the south of the map. Place the betty close up to the out sidewall but away from the inside wall.


This is another good anti-flanker spot. It does not mater if you are looking after bomb site A or B. plant the betty in the nice long grass and they will never see it until its to late.


Attacking spawn protect from A bomb site.


This spot ranks high on the cunning chart. At first look it seems like a very bad place to, out in the open it should be easy to see. But look again and you can see that the Betty is hiding behind the supporting pillar. When the enemy enter there awareness will be on the doorways. After all who in there right mind leave a Betty out in the open. Give them a Yahtzee in the text screen, it will make them smile.



South side of the map, attacking side flank protect. If the above Betty is not holding back all of the rushers then this spot can help. It is in an exposed position, so its best to get this Betty planted quickly.


Plant away from the barrels so to avoid a false triggering.


As an adding bonus if the rushers are using bomb squad they will have to slow down and expose themselves to try and shot it. Use this time to get you headshot count up



Once again protecting the defending spawn point. But this time instead of using the grass to hide the Betty in, I have placed it on the side of the bank. This really does do a grand job of hiding the Betty from view.


This really is a poor place to plant a Betty. From one side it is in clear view, from the other it will be set off by a false signal and the player we feel no ill effects.


If you happen to see someone planting a Betty in this poison, be a friend and give them a link to this website



Players will often clear the corridor to the north east of bomb site B before planting or defusing. Be sure to leave a little present.


I have found that it is best to place it in the small alcove but not to close to the window so as to avoid a false triger



An over used place but worth referring to. The barrels by bomb site A are of the explosive nature. When the Betty goes of you will get a bigger explosive range.


The down side of this is most players know of this spot and will often use a hand grenade to clear the barrels or any Bettys before entering the site.


Save your Bettys for superior locations.




This site ranks high on the cunning.


It’s tucked in the corner of the south east of the map, just off from the bomb site A Often after planting the enemy will rush up this corridor to hide in the ruin buildings.


Place the betty in the flames of the fire and they will never see it. I once got the same player 3 times this way.



Another cunning place to drop a Betty is in the building just south of B. some players pass through here to plant/clear B. others go up here once planted and wait for the enemy. Leave them a little something


I have found that this position is the best for protecting site B.


Hidden around the corner makes it hard to spot or shot with out the enemy exposing themselves. Plant away from the window to avoid false triggers.


I often hide in the far east corner of the map and wait for the enemy to start shooting at the Betty, then pop up and pop them. Job done. This will give you a nicely placed dead body to hide your next Betty in


Well that’s about it from me on airfield. Maybe you know a few cunning places you would like to share, if so look me up on the contacts page.


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1.                             Call of duty, call of duty 5, call of duty waw, call of duty tips, call of duty hacks, call of duty cheats, call of duty advice, bouncing betty, bouncing betty tips, bouncing betty cheats, bouncing betty mine, bouncing betty land mine, bouncing betty call of duty.


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