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            Every game that is worth its salt seems to have a signature map, for counter strike it was dust2, for cod4 it was overgrown, and for cod5 it has to be outskirts.


            There is some thing in this map for everybody, sniper, flanker, rusher, team player, lone wolf. But what about us players who rely on Bettys. Where do you put them on such a big map? Well for such a big map the places are limited by the fact that we need to plant them where the enemy will go. And unless you know your enemies plan of attack, it really just leaves us with the bomb sites. But we know that the enemy will be making there way to the bomb sites so we can plant the Bettys further out than what we might on other maps.



Bomb site A.


To control this bomb site you have to control the courtyard to the front and side of the building. Each entrance have a tight choke point and places to hide our bettys



Point A.


            A nice tight choke point, with lots of grass for cover. An easy kill




Point B.


            You will often find the enemy approaching from the back of the map. This is quite an open choke point and will need two Bettys to cover properly. Set back from the corner so that it wont be seen.



Point C.


            You will often find that once you have cleared the bomb site and planted the bomb that any enemy left are at bomb site B. being human and short of time they will take the shortest rote. A Betty positioned at the base of this wall will be invisible and explode as they jump down.



Point D


            The attacking side will often enter the bomb site through this burnt out building. Leave them a little surprise.



I don’t often plant this close to the bomb site on any map. But on outskirts site A, some of these rocks are the sort that if you plant a Betty on them they fall through and become invisible. Cheeky.


Bomb site B.


 A hard site to clear and defend once the bomb has been set. Use your Bettys and try to defend from a distance.



Point A, south side of the underpass


            This is a super place for a Betty. Plays will often try and move through this area as quickly as possible. A Betty hidden in the tree or long grass will be will hidden.



Just south of the bomb site.


            Players can get to the bomb with out setting this Betty off, but they always seem to cut this corner, and this well hidden Betty will teach them. Best to only use it once per map.



Hidden in a clump of grass just right of the stairs.


            This Betty covers two entrances. Try it; you will be pleased with how often you get a kill from here.



Point C.

The two photos above show how spending just a little time placing your Betty can make all the difference. The photos are from the two sides. One Betty is planted on top of the bricks and can be seen from both sides. The other is planted just behind the bricks and from the enemy’s point of view invisible


Point C


            The Betty is planted away from the track, but is still close enough to be triggered; if you are on the defending team you will have to be quick to get this betty planted.


 As we have all ready pointed out, on such a big map you really need to think about where you are going to place your Bettys. With out doubt the bomb sites are the places, but there are a few other spots on the map that are worth trying out. But the best thing that you can do is watch how the players on your server move, where they go. Just because you all ways go the same rout to A. dose not mean that’s the way the enemy go. Watch and learn.


You can plant in the bush by the subway with out having to go down there. Stand on the wall and plant. The Betty will fall and in bed it’s self in the ground. But be quick before you become sniper fodder.


There is lots of plant life on this map to hide your Bettys in. I have found on my server that the attacking team like to flank bomb site A, using this hedgerow. Pop a Betty in. even if they are using bomb squad they will have to blow it up. Once they have given they position away, hose them down with a MG.


Just about any corner on this map can be hiding a Betty. Learn the way people play / the routes they take on your server. And then use this knowledge to kill them.


One last one. The lads in my sniper team say that this is the best place for a covering Betty in the church tower. When the enemy enter the base of the church tower they are looking up for the sniper / Bettys.


Took it right in the corner.


 If they set it of without killing themselves, throw a nade down after them. Then get back to what you do best. You sneaky snipers.



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              Call of duty, call of duty 5, call of duty waw, call of duty tips, call of duty hacks, call of duty cheats, call of duty advice, bouncing betty, bouncing betty tips, bouncing betty cheats, bouncing betty mine, bouncing betty land mine, bouncing betty call of duty.


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